Aug. 9, 2024

How to Stop Spinning and Create the Momentum to Reach Your Goals

How to Stop Spinning and Create the Momentum to Reach Your Goals

Do you ever feel like you're constantly drowning in tasks but not making real progress? Well, today’s episode is for you. I'll be sharing a powerful process to fast-track your success and help you achieve your goals. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a commissioned salesperson, or just someone striving for personal growth, this episode will offer insights on eliminating unproductive busy work, staying focused on your vision, and building momentum. So, if you or anyone you know is feeling perpetually exhausted but unfulfilled, stay tuned—this episode is a game changer.

Two-step process to boosting belief and confidence
Belief comes from confidence, which stems from clarity, which comes through action. Two of the best ways to silence your inner critic and boost your belief are: 

1.) Realize that your subconscious acts on the dominant thought and it makes absolutely NO distinction between what’s real and what’s imagined. It translates thought into reality, regardless of whether that thought is driven by fear or courage. Pay attention to those dominant thoughts. If they’re not serving you, either release them or rewrite them. Success happens from the inside out. Get honest with yourself, what are your actions telling you? Are you busy for the sake of being busy? How important are your goals? Change the thought. If it helps to have a visual then identify the thought, give it a name. Write it on a piece of paper and thank it for what it has shown you then let it go. 

2.) Second, you have to begin taking action on your idea. It may be baby steps at first. You may offer a free workshop or give away a free product or service. That’s ok. It gives you proof of concept, not just proof for the person you are serving that your product/ service is great, but proof of concept for you which will boost your confidence. 

You’ve got this! Identify the dominant thought getting in your way. Release it and replace it with an empowering thought. Then get into ACTION!!!


04:09 Overcome fear, take action, prioritize, maintain structure.

09:33 Challenge negative thoughts; seek successful examples.

11:19 Visualizing thoughts to overcome obstacles in mindset.

14:29 Practice your passion, visualize success, take action.

18:01 Align with goals, take action, achieve success.

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Production House: Flint Stone Media
Copyright of Kim Kelley Thompson 2024.