July 29, 2024

How to Create a Future You Want

How to Create a Future You Want

We all have a story. One we tell ourselves about our past, it may be true, or it may have been embellished a bit over the years, becoming more emotionally charged each time we talk about it, especially if things are happening in our lives that we don’t like and we link those to a memory. 

For example, If you’ve always considered yourself as someone who has a hard time making friends, you may attribute that to the fact that you moved a lot when you were younger. Your sibling, however, easily makes friends and believes this is because the family moved frequently. Same experience, same memory, but different beliefs about that memory that now shape the identity. Why?

Psychologists say that our brains have a selective filtering system, called priming. When the brain is primed by a certain belief, it shuts down information that contradicts that belief, so you experience what you believe to be true. It’s up to you to make a conscious choice to change the beliefs that don’t serve you.

Are there things constantly showing up or happening in your life that you don’t like? You can change those beliefs and patterns that are contributing to the reality you're living by creating a different STORY for yourself through your imagination.  

In other words, you’re going to create a memory of a future that you want.

If our memories are so powerful that we can form a belief associated with that memory that has shaped our identity and now our behavior, and likewise our results, how powerful will it be to create a memory of a future you want?

Science has proven that stories can sync our brains with listeners, building trust and connection. This is powerful! If we are both the storyteller and the listener, telling ourselves our story of the future we intend to live as if we are living it, over and over, boosts our belief that it is a reality we will experience. 

All change happens from the inside out. First, the thought, then the feeling, then the belief, then the decision, then action, and finally reality.  So to create a memory of a future you want, you create a story about your future.

Start by creating an image of your future self. 

Who is that person? What is she like? 

Does she have a successful business?  What does that mean? How do you show up for yourself,, and others? 

Are you the top salesperson? What does that feel like? What choices do you make?

Next - take action! I want you to be so prepared that if your ship came in tomorrow, you’d be ready to jump aboard.

If you have an idea for a business, can you easily describe it to me clearly, so I understand and see your vision?  If I said to you, I have a friend looking to invest in someone’s new business, would you be ready to take that meeting? Get prepared!

If you have a book you’ve been wanting to write, and you meet a publisher, are you ready to show your work?  Or is that book still sitting in your head? 

Can you prove to yourself that you believe in yourself by taking action?

Faith is always rewarded but it requires action. Your ship is coming in, are you ready to board?

Visit the Shift or Get Off the Pot Website: ShiftOrGetOffThePotPodcast.com

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Production House: Flint Stone Media
Copyright of Kim Kelley Thompson 2024.