July 17, 2024

Breaking Free From Procrastination & Perfectionism

Breaking Free From Procrastination & Perfectionism

On this episode of Shift or Get Off the Pot I chat with clinical psychologist and procrastination coach Dr. Christine Li about the multifaceted world of procrastination, a challenge many of us face but rarely admit. 

I’ve certainly procrastinated on many projects over the years, even those that were important to me, why? It’s an interesting behavior and one I was excited to discuss with an expert on the subject! 

Here are a few highlights from our conversation:

> Procrastination isn't just a time management issue. With the right tools and strategies, you can turn procrastination habits into something beneficial and leverage them for success.

> We explore labels like ADD and ADHD, and the benefits or detriments. Dr. Li encourages viewing such diagnoses as potential superpowers and urging us to experiment with our strengths rather than getting bogged down by limitations.

> Are you a perfectionist? Dr. Li explains the close relationship between procrastination and perfectionism and offers an easy approach to tackling tasks, making them more enjoyable.

Dr. Christine Li also offers valuable insights on managing stress, focusing on one task at a time, and the importance of living in gratitude. This episode is filled with practical advice and inspirational stories. Tune in and discover how to break free from perfectionism and achieve your dreams with clarity and consistency. Join us now!


05:01 - 10:00 Understanding Procrastination
10:01 - 15:00 Turning Procrastination into a Positive Force
15:01 - 19:00 The Emotional Aspects of Procrastination
19:01 - 25:00 Dr. Li’s Coaching Approach
35:01 - 40:00 The Downside of Multitasking
40:01 - 45:00 Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt

Grab Dr. Christine's Free Download "Cut the Clutter": https://maketimeforsuccesspodcast.com/clutter

Connect with Dr. Christine Li: 

Website: https://procrastinationcoach.com

Connect with Kim:

>> Take the Quiz: Are You Blocking Your Success?


Website: https://kimkelleythompson.com

For complete show notes and links, visit: www.kimkelleythompson.com/blog/breaking-free-from-procrastination-and-perfectionism

Visit the Shift or Get Off the Pot Website: ShiftOrGetOffThePotPodcast.com

Keep in Contact! Visit Kim's Website: KimKelleyThompson.com | Email Kim: Kim@KimKelleyThompson.com

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Production House: Flint Stone Media
Copyright of Kim Kelley Thompson 2024.